Nosy Shoppers vs. Serious Buyers – How to Tailor Your Ad Campaigns


During peak shopping periods like Black Friday, your ads will reach both serious buyers and “nosy shoppers” who are just browsing for deals. Understanding how to tailor your ads to appeal to both groups can maximise your conversions. In this blog, we’ll explore how to balance your messaging for both audiences.

Priority List:

  1. Segment Your Audience:
    By segmenting your audience, you can serve different ads to casual browsers versus more serious buyers. For example, people who’ve visited your site multiple times might be closer to making a purchase, so target them with stronger CTAs.

    • Example: Show nosy shoppers a “browsing” ad that offers a clear CTA to learn more, while serious buyers see “buy now” messaging.
  2. Create Two Versions of Ads:
    Tailor one version of your ad to casual browsers and another to those who are ready to buy. Casual shoppers may respond better to softer, educational messages, while serious buyers need more direct offers or limited-time deals.

    • Key Insight: Show browsers product features, reviews, or content that builds trust, while using discount-based ads for serious buyers.
  3. Leverage Scarcity for Serious Buyers:
    Serious buyers are often ready to act when they see a good deal, so using urgency or scarcity can help push them over the line. Use messaging like “Limited Stock Available” or “Sale Ends Tonight” to create FOMO (fear of missing out).

    • Pro Tip: Pair scarcity messaging with clear pricing and benefits to reduce friction in the decision-making process.
  4. Use Social Proof for Browsers:
    Nosy shoppers are typically more hesitant, but adding social proof like customer reviews or testimonials can help nudge them towards making a decision.

    • Example: Include a star rating or quote from a satisfied customer within your ad creative to build trust with casual browsers.
  5. Test and Optimise:
    As always, A/B testing is critical. Test different messages, CTAs, and images to see what resonates best with both nosy shoppers and serious buyers.

    • Advanced Tip: Track your conversions and adjust your ad spend dynamically between the two audiences based on performance data.


By tailoring your ads to both nosy shoppers and serious buyers, you can maximise your conversions and get the most out of your Black Friday campaigns. Amin Digital can help you create ads that speak to both segments of your audience.

Call to Action: Need help segmenting your audience for Black Friday? Contact Amin Digital for tailored strategies that convert browsers into buyers.


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