How to Manage Rising CPCs During Black Friday – Budget Tips


The increase in competition during Black Friday and other peak shopping periods can cause CPCs (Cost-Per-Click) to soar. With everyone fighting for visibility, it’s crucial to have a strategy to manage these rising costs. This blog will offer practical tips on how to handle higher CPCs without blowing your budget.

Priority List:

  1. Focus on High-Performing Keywords:
    During high-CPC periods, it’s more important than ever to focus your budget on keywords that have consistently performed well. Don’t waste your money on low-converting or experimental keywords during Black Friday.

    • Key Insight: Use historical data to identify your top-performing keywords and bid more aggressively on these.
  2. Cap Your Daily Budgets:
    To avoid overspending, set daily budget caps on all your campaigns. This will help prevent your budget from being eaten up too quickly by higher-than-usual CPCs.

    • Tip: Closely monitor your campaigns during peak hours and adjust your budgets if needed.
  3. Schedule Ads for Peak Times:
    Focus your ad spend on the times when your target audience is most active. Use ad scheduling to limit when your ads appear, concentrating your budget during these peak hours.

    • Advanced Tip: Use Google Analytics or social platform insights to identify the times when your audience is most engaged.
  4. Leverage Audience Lists for Remarketing:
    Remarketing allows you to target users who have already interacted with your brand, making it more cost-effective. Since these users are already familiar with your brand, they’re more likely to convert, offsetting higher CPCs.

    • Example: Show ads to users who’ve added items to their cart but haven’t yet checked out.
  5. Utilise Automated Bidding Strategies:
    Smart bidding strategies like Target CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) can help optimise your bids based on the likelihood of conversion, even in periods of rising CPCs. This ensures that you’re not wasting money on clicks that won’t convert.

    • Pro Tip: Start testing automated bidding strategies a few weeks before Black Friday to allow the system time to learn and adapt.


Rising CPCs during Black Friday can be challenging, but with the right strategy, you can still drive strong results without overspending. By focusing on high-performing keywords, using remarketing lists, and scheduling ads at peak times, you can make the most of your budget. Amin Digital is here to help you navigate these challenges and make Black Friday a success.

Call to Action: Worried about rising CPCs this Black Friday? Contact Amin Digital for expert advice on optimising your campaigns.



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