Quality Score VS Impression Share

To improve performance when increasing your PPC budget, it’s essential to take a strategic and gradual approach to avoid the typical spikes in CPC and CPA. Here are some steps to help you manage budget increases effectively:

Steps to Gradually Increase Your PPC Budget

  1. Increase Budget in Small Increments:

    • Instead of a large jump, increase your budget by 10-20% at a time. This gradual increase allows the ad platform’s algorithms (like Google Ads or Meta) to adjust to the new spend without causing dramatic changes in ad auction dynamics or targeting.
  2. Monitor Performance Metrics Closely:

    • After each budget increase, monitor key metrics like CPC, CPA, CTR, conversion rate, and Quality Score. Give the system a week or two to stabilize and understand the impact of the budget change. Adjust based on these insights before making further changes.
  3. Optimize Campaign Structure:

    • Segment High-Performing Keywords/Ads: Separate top-performing keywords or ads into their own ad groups or campaigns. This allows you to allocate more budget to high-converting keywords while keeping costs in check for lower-performing segments.
    • Use Negative Keywords: Regularly update your negative keyword list to prevent ads from showing for irrelevant searches. This improves Quality Score and lowers CPC by increasing ad relevance.
  4. Improve Quality Score:

    • Enhance Ad Relevance: Ensure your ad copy is highly relevant to the keywords you’re bidding on. Use dynamic keyword insertion (DKI) where appropriate to make ads more aligned with search queries.
    • Refine Landing Pages: Improve the landing page experience by making sure it aligns with the ad’s message and provides a clear call to action. A fast, mobile-friendly landing page with relevant content can boost Quality Score.
    • Optimize CTR: Regularly test different ad copies (A/B testing) to find versions with higher CTRs. Higher CTRs contribute positively to Quality Score, which can lower CPCs over time.
  5. Test Bidding Strategies:

    • Experiment with different bidding strategies (e.g., Manual CPC, Enhanced CPC, Target CPA, or Maximize Conversions) to find the best fit for your goals. Automated bidding strategies like Target CPA or Maximize Conversions can help optimize for cost while maintaining volume, but it’s crucial to monitor these closely.
  6. Increase Impression Share Strategically:

    • Focus on High-Value Campaigns: Prioritize increasing budgets for campaigns or ad groups that have a high ROI. If you have a high Search Impression Share, consider increasing the budget to capture more of the available market. However, if impression share is low due to rank, focus on improving Quality Score or bids first.
    • Control Ad Positioning: Aim for positions that yield a balance between cost and conversion rate. The top position may not always provide the best ROI due to higher CPCs.
  7. Use Dayparting and Geo-Targeting:

    • Dayparting: Identify peak times when your audience is most likely to convert and allocate more budget to these times.
    • Geo-Targeting: Focus your budget on locations with higher conversion rates or ROI. Exclude or reduce spend in areas with poor performance.
  8. Set Up Audience Segmentation:

    • Use remarketing lists, in-market audiences, and custom intent audiences to target high-value users. Higher relevance often leads to better Quality Scores, improved CTRs, and lower CPCs.
  9. Implement Ad Extensions:

    • Use ad extensions (like sitelinks, callouts, structured snippets, etc.) to make your ads more engaging and take up more space in the search results. This often improves CTR and Quality Score, contributing to lower CPCs.
  10. Use Budget Allocation Tools:

    • Leverage tools like Google’s Performance Planner to forecast the impact of budget changes and to make data-driven decisions. The tool can provide insights into how different budget levels might affect key metrics.


  1. Gradual Budget Increases (10-20% increments)
  2. Continuous Monitoring of performance metrics
  3. Optimization of Campaigns, Keywords, and Ads
  4. Testing and Adjusting Bidding Strategies
  5. Strategic Use of Targeting and Audience Segmentation

By carefully increasing your budget in a controlled and data-driven manner, you can minimize spikes in CPC and CPA and ensure sustainable growth in your PPC campaigns.


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